St. Mary of the Mount Church & St. Adalbert Church
Parish and Diocesan Finance 101
For an understanding of what the diocese has spent related sexual abuse in the church, in legal fees, to support victims, etc., click here
Parish Finance Council
A small group of people mandated by canon law for every parish, to advise the Pastor/Administrator in the area of finance, facilities, human resources, and business. The people are discerned and invited by the pastor/administrator for their gifts and experience in the areas of business and administration.
Operating Budget
A yearly general operating financial statement prepared by a parish and Parish Finance Council base off previous year income and expense and a forecast for what is coming in and needed in the parish for the next year. It is an educated prediction that list expected income and expense for the fiscal year. Diocesan fiscal year for all parishes is 1 July through 30th June each year.
Unrestricted vs Restricted Donations/Income
Restricted Donations are donation given for a specific purpose and must be use for that purpose - this is based on the intention of the giver. e.g. a person may decide they want to give $10,000 for hymnals or kneelers, or give to the annual St. Anthony School Collection. Some restricted donations are still assessable by the diocese for Parish Share Program and School Subsidy (see below)
Assessable vs Un-assessable Donations/Income
The diocese designates what parish income sources and collections are assessable and un-assessable for the Parish Share Program and School Subsidy
What are Assessments from the Diocese?
What donations are restricted or unrestricted, assessable or un-assessable?
%27.6 of most money donated to any parish from most sources (offertory, fundraising, donation and bequest) goes to the diocese for Parish Share Program and School Subsidy, unless it is a restricted donation to a non-assessible collection
Operating Expenses
All expenses associated with the general operations of the parish organization. It includes, administration, salaries, utilities, property taxes, materials for office, education, and liturgy and much more.
Capital Expenses
Large expenses associated with upkeep and improvements of buildings and grounds. These usually are not part of the Operating Budget but are paid for out of a parish capital savings, if a parish has this. Often a parish will have a separate Capital Budget for anticipated major expense. If a parish is on sound financial footing, there is money designated every year from the operating budget placed in capital savings for these projects. Permission is Required from the Diocese for Major parish projects, expenses and repairs over $40,000.
Diocesan Deposit and Loans (D & L)
This is where all savings are held and from where all parish loans are taken. It is like a diocesan credit union. Parish Savings, capital savings, endowments, etc. are all held by the D & L. A parish is not permitted to acquire a loan from, hold a savings account, or invest its own money with any other institution other than the D & L.
Savings Accounts – held at the Diocesan Deposit and Loan (D & L)
Checking Accounts
Checking accounts can be held at a bank of the parishes choosing. Mary, Queen of Peace Parish uses PNC Bank. Most parish hold only a few Checking accounts. Typically these are: Operating, Fundraising, Social Service, and Mass Stipend checking accounts.
Where Do Parish Debts and Loans Come from?
All Parish Debts and Loans are to the Diocesan D & L. Debts can occur for many reasons: sometimes it is a loan taken out for a major project or necessary repair, often large parish debts have come from parishes that have Catholic School that they did not close when expenses keep rising and students and tuition income keep going down, and sometimes parishes are in debt because of deficit spending related to ordinary parish expenses of maintaining buildings as well as paying staffing salaries, benefits, and insurances.