St. Mary of the Mount Church & St. Adalbert Church
Sing (or play) a new song unto the Lord! This month we will share more about our music ministry! Our Music Ministry is an integral part of our liturgies, parish events, and community!
From singing along to our hymns during mass to listening to the instrumentalists during special celebrations and liturgies - there are many ways to see theses musical moments in action.
There are many different groups within the Music Ministry such as our instrumentalists, bell choir, choir, and cantors. There is also programming within the music ministry, such as Music on the Mount and Taizé.
We can hear the bells ... and the voices of many singing together! This week we learn more about our two parish choirs within the music ministry.
Consider joining our Adult Choir. It's perfect for all those who like to sing in the shower, sing in front of an audience, or like to sing in general. No special training is required. If you like to sing or can carry a tune, join us. The choir meets weekly throughout the year (with a break in the summer) and performs at masses and holiday liturgies.
The bells ring ... are you listening? Our Bell Choir rings joyfully at litrugies and holidays. The bell choir meets throughout the year (with a break in the summer). No experience is necessary. If you like music and want to join a friendly and welcoming group, then this is for you.
Our music ministry is a welcoming and encouraging place! If you're not sure about how to read music well or you'd rather practice along to a recording - we have you covered! As St. Augustine says... "To sing is to pray twice." But we think that also applies to playing! So if you play or sing with us, you're sending double the prayers!
There is something for all ages and all skill levels. If you're ready to get involved, or learn more, contact Bill Brinzer, Director of Music Ministry.