St. Mary of the Mount Church & St. Adalbert Church
Part of our vision for the future of all our facilities is to reduce our footprint, and more fully utilize our remaining spaces. This begins by reducing our much unused residential spaces for our priest. We are selling 140 Bigham Street house and Fr. Michael and Fr. Peter will be moving temporarily to the St. Adalbert Rectory directly behind the church. This space is also too large for 1-2 priest, so the intention would be to eventually sell it as well. We need to acquire as small more up-to-date space for future priest residence before selling the St. Adalbert Rectory.
Gathering Spaces
We have just complete the renovation of the garages at our Community and Education Center across from St. Mary of the Mount Church (403 Grandview Ave.), to create a simple and beautiful gathering space. We are also planning a gathering space in the rear of St. Adalbert Church that will reconfigure the back of the church with new, moveable, furniture (table, chairs, servers) that preserve and match the aesthetics of the church. In addition to the gathering space, there will also be a few pew modification at the front of St. Adalbert, to create greater access for those who may have accessibility needs or currently use a wheelchair.
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