Whether you’ve already completed both seasons of The Chosen or just curious to find out what all the excitement over the Angel Studios production is about, now is your chance to join your fellow parishioners and friends in viewing Season 1 and discussing its religious messages from a Catholic viewpoint afterward.
Created by Dallas Jenkins, the crowd-funded TV series explores the life of Christ through the eyes of those who follow Him…``The Chosen”. While it is family friendly, the series does include several scenes from the Bible that are mildly sensitive. Thus, parents should consider this when deciding upon the appropriateness for their particular children.
Feel free to simply watch the evening’s episode and call it a night. However, we encourage you to stay for a short discussion period afterward. To get home at a decent hour, we decided to begin each episode at 7:00pm. Feel free to pick up a pizza, sub sandwich or snack, to eat while we watch an episode. Can’t make all eight episodes? No problem. Come when you can! If you miss and episode, just download the app and watch it at home. However, this is as much as creating fellowship as it is about watching this incredible series. Come and See!!
For more information about The Chosen, go to https:/watch.angelstudios.com/thechosen. There is also a free viewing app, which is available on the website as well as the Apple App and Google Play stores.