Annual Parish Share Appeal This year our parishes merged January 4. Many long-standing schedules were interrupted as we combined Prince of Peace and Saint Mary of the Mount. During Covid, we focused our energies on streaming masses, finding ways to connect spiritually and keeping our church community safe. Our regular annual pledge and appeal for Parish Share gave way to these priorities.
At this time, we are asking that each parishioner make a concerted effort to participate monthly in our Parish Share Campaign if they have not done so already. Through Parish Share, you support vital services that Mary, Queen of Peace cannot afford alone. The diocese does our payroll and benefits management and insurance administration of parish employees which are directly paid for through Parish Share. The diocesan seminary for priest, training for deacons, religious education programs, and help for catholic schools all receive funding from these monies. Catholic Charities, Roselia center and Mon Valley Services also receive funding from Parish Share.
Each month there is a tan envelope in our packets or a category in
Faith Direct online giving for Parish Share. This year our assessment is $146,893. Unlike in the past, there will not be a pledge card sent. If you have not been donating monthly to Parish Share we would ask for your consideration. For those who have and continue to contribute to Parish Share in 2021, we thank you.